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The best and worst time to send your emails--first part

Jacly Sunny Glassware 2014-12-04 00:26:33
Salesmen summary some experience of work in Shenzhen Sunny Glassware co.,ltd.Our company is glasswares supplier in china with more than 22 year experience.You've prepared to your email content,got a perfect subject line and testd it on all the inbox clients under the sun,but when should you actually send it? Email marketing company pure360 has identified patterns in consumers responses to different email marketing promotions throught the day to identity the best and worst to send your emails.
9am-10am is the second most popular opening time is at the beginning of working day,when consumers are receptive to offers on a whole range of subjects.
10am-Noon,do not disturb,customers are focused on work and not opening marketing emails.
Noon-2pm,the lunchtime news,customers are more likely to  spend time on news and magazine alerts during their lunchbreak than open marketing emails.
2pm-3pm,in the zone,in the immediate post-lunch period consumers remain focused on work,only responding to email offers relating to financial services.