W chwili pożegnania starego i nadania nowego, niech nasze najszczersze życzenia rozgrzeją Wasze serca niczym poranne słońce i będą Wam towarzyszyć w nowej podróży. Prezes Sunny Group ma do przekazania nam wszystkim serdeczne słowa.
There was something to celebrate here, most ofSunny Glasswaresales staffs’ performance are very well in March. It was worth mentioning that Gary signed orders for more than $300,000, and Emma signed orders nearly $60,000, absolutely she won the champion of the month. Congratulations. PK competition of April will be held tomorrow,we are looking forward to more exciting news in April.
High quality and warm service are the important factors for maintaining and developing customers. Sunny Glassware always keep customer-oriented as our service aim. Welcome to your inquiry.