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The fragrance of zongzi is overflowing. What new flavors are there in Sunny Glassware Dragon Boat Festival feast?

Demi Sunny Glassware 2024-06-20 11:42:42

The annual Dragon Boat Festival is here again, so do you know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival?

There are many theories about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, and the most popular one is the legend of commemorating Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a poet of the Chu State during the Warring States Period. He committed suicide by jumping into the river because he was worried about his country and the people. In order to commemorate his patriotism, people rowed dragon boats and ate zongzi on the fifth day of May to express their remembrance and admiration for Qu Yuan. In addition, the Dragon Boat Festival is closely related to the ancient worship of celestial phenomena and dragon totem sacrifices, which all reflect the Chinese nation’s awe and respect for nature and life.

The fragrance of zongzi is overflowing. What new flavors are there in Sunny Glassware Dragon Boat Festival feast?
The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanyang Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival, is one of the four major traditional festivals in China and is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. This festival carries a profound cultural connotation and rich folk activities, among which the most well-known custom is eating zongzi. On this special day, ShenZhen Sunny Glassware Co., Ltd. specially held a unique Dragon Boat Festival zongzi feast to let employees feel the charm of traditional culture together.


The fragrance of zongzi is overflowing. What new flavors are there in Sunny Glassware Dragon Boat Festival feast?

At the Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Feast in Sunny Glassware, employees gathered together to participate in the event. The company prepared a variety of Zongzi flavors and fruits in advance, including meat Zongzi, alkaline Zongzi, red bean honey Zongzi, salted egg yolk Zongzi and other flavors of Zongzi. Everyone gathered together, chatting and tasting Zongzi and eating fruits, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. In this process, everyone not only learned how to make delicious Zongzi, but also gained a deep understanding of the origin and cultural connotation of the Dragon Boat Festival. ,

The fragrance of zongzi is overflowing. What new flavors are there in Sunny Glassware Dragon Boat Festival feast?

This Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Feast not only made everyone spend a happy and meaningful festival, but also further promoted the traditional culture and national spirit of the Chinese nation. The Dragon Boat Festival is a festival full of traditional culture and folk activities, and Sunny Glassware Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Feast is the best interpretation of this festival. Through this event, everyone not only felt the charm of traditional culture, but also enhanced the friendship and understanding between each other. I believe that in the future, ShenZhen Sunny Glassware Co., Ltd. will continue to uphold the concept of "people-oriented" and create more warm and interesting cultural activities for employees.

The fragrance of zongzi is overflowing. What new flavors are there in Sunny Glassware Dragon Boat Festival feast?

According to the national regulations on statutory holidays and the actual situation of Sunny Glassware Co., Ltd. the specific arrangements for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday in 2024 are as follows:

June 8 (Saturday) to June 10 (Monday) holiday, a total of three days

June 11 (Tuesday) back to work