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Extortion virus affecting China's latest information

kate sunnyglassware 2017-05-16 14:38:08
Overseas network May 15 from May 12th, the global outbreak of Windows based network

sharing agreement Worm malicious code that attacks spread.

More than 100 countries including the United States, Russia and the whole of europe,

And China's internal network of universities, large enterprises, intranet and government

agencies, private network caught.

The spread of extortion software is relatively rare in recent years, once again

sounded a wake-up call for people.   The rapid development of information technology,

such as the internet,While bringing great benefits to people, it also brings unprecedented

challenges to network security. The person in charge suggested that,

All aspects should attach great importance to network security issues,

Install security protection software in time, update the operating system

and security patches of various applications in time,Set up high security passwords

and replace them regularly.

Do not download and install applications that are not in the background,

Take backup measures to particularly important data.

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