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Talking about the future of glassware

jacly Web page 2014-10-23 15:31:36
The origin of glassware actually dates back to the Stone Age, evidence show that stone-age men used it as a cutting tool. Around 3500 B.C. man began experimenting with glass and started crafting glass objects such as vases and pots.
Through the decades we began utilizing glassware to create more elaborate and advanced glassware products. This leads us to where we are at today in glassware technology. There are thousands of products we create from glass that we use in our everyday lives. Glassware has become a vital part of our lives. Many of our social gatherings, such as, holidays, weddings, and celebrations, involve the use of glassware. Bake ware, glasses, candle holders, punch bowls, glass tumblers and mirrors are all glassware items that are used in these types of social gatherings. In addition, glassware has become an important part of house decorum. Colorful glassware can bring out the life of a house and completely change the atmosphere of a dull and bleak house.
The future of glassware  to be bright, as glassware continues to become an important part in our daily. In addition, our society strives to create more things with glass.