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Glass Circular Economy Package Become Popular

Lora Liu Sunny Glassware 2015-12-24 14:59:48
European Container Glass Industry Welcomes Circular Economy Package  

Today's society is an environmentally friendly society, plastic packaging pollutes environment ,in a
number of large supermarkets,the phenomenon of excessive packaging is normal around .Glass bottles can be
repeated use several times, also can reduce the cost of packaging .
The European Container Glass industry welcomes the long awaited European Commission’s package published
today, which paves the way for a real EU Circular Economy. The new recycling targets for glass packaging
are ambitious but the industry is ready to take on the challenge with the right support in a level-
playing field for all materials.

Shenzhen Sunny Glassware Co., Ltd. specialized in glassware for more than 22 years,produce series has  glass candle holder,glass bottle,glass perfume bottle .ect .
sunny glassware bottle