Sunny Glassware hat sich in den letzten 10 Jahren auf Luxusparfümprodukte konzentriert und ist der Lieferant von 80 % der Duftmarken in den Vereinigten Staaten.
Um dieses schwierige Problem zu lösen, hat das Designteam von Sunny Glassware seine ausgeprägte Professionalität und seinen Innovationsgeist unter Beweis gestellt.
Dieses große Vertrauen ist nicht nur eine Bestätigung der Qualität von Sunny Glassware, sondern auch ein wichtiger Test unserer Servicefähigkeit und Produktionseffizienz.
Frank war nicht nur Zeuge der vielfältigen Wege chinesischer Unternehmen, ins Ausland zu gehen, sondern bestärkte auch seine Entschlossenheit, Sunny Glassware Co., Ltd. zu leiten, um hochwertige Produkte wie Kerzenständer und Aromatherapieflaschen an die Spitze der Welt zu bringen.
The misunderstanding of market in production competition era 3
Brenda Sunny Glassware 2014-11-23 21:02:03
After a few million ad costs have been spend, the result of Yindefei drug marketing can be sufficiently described as dismal. Why the result turns to such a dismal status after customer demand has been satisfied?
Its root cause is competitor ignoring. Now the market is no longer the vacuum market, serious oversupply of products, information overflow, violent advertising,etc. Too many companies are doing the same market research, meeting consumer demands and the launch products with the same demands. Taking Yindefei as an example, before Yindefei was launched, there was a cold drug called Tylenol have took the market share and also meet consumer demand by fast curative effect. Its brand promises is treating cold, 30 minutes work! If I need fast curative effect, I'll take Tylenol, why need Yindefei?
So in current market, the most important thing is not just meet customer needs, more importantly, you need find out who is your competitors, and offer an product demand that your competitors can't provide. Let your customers choose you instead of your competitors and ultimately win the whole market!